
发布时间:2024-09-08 10:52:16

七年级英语课外完型填空(20篇)docx' ..5-(lt;^直〉?Acomputer"tell"#39;tcompletely_9_theplaceofJ0_doctors・〈nteresting〈)〈)〈)」ead〈)(lt;^%屍)・・()初一英语完形填空(20篇)doc 文档号:5997832 资源大小:195KB 全文页数:16页资源格式:DOC 下载积分:19 文币交易提醒:下载本文档,19文币将自动

初中英语完型填空50篇附答解析onatime,ahippo(河马)livedinarivernexttoabigtree. Oneday,abirdcameandnested(筑巢)inthe(1).Thesongsofthebirdfilledthe ayhew9. a. much b. many c. few d. little 10. a. impossible b. wrong c. true d. sure 二Bob and sue are in the same school, 1 they are in different 2 . they go to school on weekdays. 3 school , bob and sue often play games with 4 friends. Classes begin 5 eight in the morning. now bob and sue are in their classrooms. they are listening to their 6 . bob's studying english. his teacher 1

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